
Cyber Security

Session Hijacking: The Silent Threat to Your Online Security

Avatar Andrea Abbondanza , 16 Aug, 2024

Session hijacking is a hidden threat that can quietly sabotage your online security. When a hacker takes control of your session, they can access sensitive information, make unauthorized transactions, and even impersonate you online. The result? Significant damage.

But do you know how session hijacking actually works and what ways you can take to prevent it? If you haven’t understood it, it’s important to start familiarising yourself with it now.

Ready to learn more? Let’s explore session hijacking and discover practical ways to protect your data!

What is Session Hijacking?

A person logging into their account using public WiFi
A person logging into their account using public WiFi

Session hijacking, also called cookie hijacking or TCP session hijacking, is where an attacker takes control of a user active session between a user and an application or a website.

This attack often targets sessions involving sensitive activities, such as online banking, emails, or shopping accounts.

For example, if you’re shopping online, the website uses a small piece of data to recognize you. If a hacker intercepts this data, they can impersonate you, gaining access to your account and personal information and even making unauthorized purchases.

How Does Session Hijacking Work?

A hacker trying to hijack a session
A hacker trying to hijack a session

Session Sniffing

Session sniffing involves attackers using sniffer tools, like Wireshark, or proxies, like Burp Suite, to intercept and capture data as it travels across a network.

When you log into a site, your session token, which identifies you, can be exposed if not properly encrypted. Attackers who intercept this token can hijack your session and take valuable information.

Predictable Session Token ID

Some websites generate session tokens using easily guessable patterns. If attackers can predict these patterns, they can create a matching token and hijack an active session. This allows them to bypass normal security checks and gain illegal access to the user’s account.


A man-in-the-browser attack, occurs when malware infects your browser, altering transactions without your knowledge. It is works similar to man-in-the-middle attack, but this one needs initial Trojan infection to the victim’s device.

Once the device is infected, the hacker can secretly modify your transaction. What makes it hard to detect as an “attack” is the covert way of work.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

This attack is a security flaw where hackers inject malicious scripts into trusted websites. When users interact with these scripts, their session tokens can be stolen, leading to session hijacking.

Session Sidejacking

This scenario involves intercepting communications during transit over unsecured networks, like public Wi-Fi, to steal session tokens. Once a hacker has these tokens, they can hijack the user’s session and get access to the account.

Session Fixation

In a session fixation attack, an attacker tricks a user into logging in with a session ID that the attacker already knows. After the user logs in, the attacker uses this session ID to hijack the session and access the account. This exploit often involves malicious links or scripts that pre-set the session ID before the user logs in.

The Impact of Session Hijacking

A hacker doing session hijacking
A hacker doing session hijacking

Session hijacking can have serious impacts on both individuals and organizations.

For individuals, it means unauthorized access to personal accounts. Attackers can misuse your accounts, steal sensitive data, and tarnish your online reputation, often with long-lasting effects.

For organizations, the stakes are even higher. A successful session hijacking can expose confidential information, disrupt business operations, and ruin the entire network. The result? Substantial losses, legal consequences, and damaged company reputation.

Additionally, organizations may face regulatory fines for failing to protect user data, further intensifying the impact of such an attack.

Session Hijacking Attack Examples

A person doing Zoom bombing
A person doing Zoom bombing


In 2019, a researcher found a vulnerability in the Slack website that allowed attackers to hijack user sessions and take over accounts by exploiting an HTTP Request Smuggling flaw.

This vulnerability enabled the theft of session cookies, potentially compromising user accounts and exposing private company data. Fortunately, Slack responded swiftly, patching the flaw within 24 hours of the report.


The vulnerability issue in GitLab comes from the type of session tokens GitLab uses, which are short, never expire, and lack specific access controls. This means attackers could use stolen tokens to access everything on a user’s account, including projects and personal information.

As a result, GitLab has started fixing the problem by reducing token exposure, adding security controls, and replacing the vulnerable tokens with more secure alternatives.

Zoom Bombing

During the rise of Zoom usage during the pandemic era of COVID-19, there were several notable Zoombombing cases where hijackers joined several private Zoom sessions, including:

  • St. Paulus Lutheran Church (May 2020): Inappropriate content disrupted a Bible study class, leading the church to sue Zoom.
  • Italian Senate (January 2022): A pornographic video from Final Fantasy VII interrupted a Senate event.
  • School Incident (October 2020): A man was charged for crashing a Zoom class at a predominantly Black school with racist threats.
  • Twomad Livestreaming: A livestreamer, Twomad, gained attention by broadcasting Zoombombing pranks.

How to Prevent Session Hijacking Attacks

A man using VPN for a safe browsing activity
A man using VPN for a safe browsing activity

Steer Clear of Public Wi-Fi Networks

Public Wi-Fi networks are often insecure, making it easier for attackers to intercept your data and hijack your session. Avoid accessing private information or logging into your accounts while using public Wi-Fi.

When in Doubt, Opt for a VPN

A VPN encrypts your internet connection, making it difficult for attackers to intercept your data. It also conceals your IP address and routes your traffic through a secure server, adding an extra layer of protection against session hijacking and other cyber threats.

Keep Your Security Software Up to Date

Regular updates equal the latest threat definitions and security patches, making your security software more effective at detecting and blocking malicious activities.

Consider enabling automatic updates to keep your system protected against new and evolving threats, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your online sessions.

Keep an Eye Out for Potential Scams

Phishing emails, malicious links, and fake websites are common tactics used by attackers to steal session cookies or trick you into revealing your login credentials.

Always verify the authenticity of links, emails, and websites before clicking or entering any sensitive information.

Check for Website Security

Before entering sensitive information, check the website’s security by making sure the URL starts with “https”. Avoid using websites that lack these security indicators.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a hacker able to hijack a user session?

Yes, hackers can hijack a user session by intercepting session cookies or exploiting vulnerabilities in a web application.

What happens when a session is hijacked?

When a session is hijacked, the attacker can take over the user’s session, gaining unauthorized access to the user’s account and data.

What is the best tool for session hijacking?

Common tools for session hijacking include network sniffers and browser extensions, but these are illegal to use without authorization.


Session hijacking poses a significant risk, allowing hackers to gain illegal access to your accounts and personal data. Whether you’re browsing on public Wi-Fi or using online services, it’s important to take proactive steps to protect your sessions.

Worried about your personal or organization’s security? Don’t take chances. Reach out to Fluxgate today to connect with our security experts, who can help you defend against session hijacking and other cyber threats. Protecting your online security starts with the right guidance.