
Cyber Security

Penetration Testing: The Vanguard of Cyber Defense

Avatar Andrea Abbondanza , 25 Apr, 2024

Sometimes, an organization needs to know how robust its system defense guard is, and penetration testing can be a solution. This attack simulation test will help in evaluating which aspect of the system needs to be improved for better security.

We will learn more about penetration testing, its benefits, types, stages, and pros and cons. Are you keen on learning more? Read on!

What is Penetration Testing?

Two workers try to do a pen test
Two workers try to do a pen test

Penetration testing, also popular as a pen test, is an attack simulation employed by a computer system to check for vulnerabilities and security levels. Typically, it uses similar attack models attackers perform to identify weak spots.

By conducting this test, an organization can prevent potential future attacks by real attackers using the same method.

What are the Benefits of Penetration Testing?

A woman in front of a two screens that show system hacked status
A woman in front of two screens that show system hacked status

While an organization system is basically already armed with a relevant security system, pen tests are still needed. This test brings several benefits to further improve several aspects, including:

  • Security weaknesses
  • Controls robustness
  • Regulation compliance
  • Budget justification
  • Breach prevention

An organization can refine its overall system stability when a regular pen test is conducted.

What are the Types of Pen Tests?

An IT team conducting a pen test
An IT team conducting a pen test

There are five types of pen tests conducted by organizations that employ “ethical” hackers, including:

Open-box Pen Test

This test provides hackers with some target company security information before the test.

Closed-box Pen Test

In contrast to the previous one, this test left hackers with no information but the target company name before the test.

External Pen Test

Living up to its name, this test lets hackers perform the test and employ the attack via external systems, such as external network servers. In some cases, they can also conduct the attack remotely or anywhere outside the target company’s building.

Internal Pen Test

Conversely, an internal pen test involves hackers performing an attack inside the company’s network

Covert Pen Test

This test is performed without anyone in the company aware that a test is happening, not even the IT team. To ensure safe performance, the hackers must possess full knowledge of the company and related regulations.

Penetration Testing Stages

A hacker in front of computer screens
A hacker in front of computer screens

We can break down the pen testing stages into five steps, which are: 

Planning and Reconnaissance

This initial step ensures the security team gathers information about the target system (infrastructure, network, and potential attack vectors), identifies potential vulnerabilities, plans the testing approach, and defines the test goals.


During scanning, the testers use automated tools to actively probe the target system for vulnerabilities. They look for open ports, services, and potential weaknesses, aiming to discover entry points for further exploitation.

Typically, this step is done using static or dynamic analysis.

Gaining Access

In this stage, testers attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, aiming to simulate how a hacker could enter the system. They may use techniques like password cracking, SQL injection, or exploiting software flaws.

Maintaining Access

Once access is gained, testers try to maintain their presence without being detected. They explore lateral movement within the network, escalate privileges, and establish persistence.


A study reveals that this whole test could only become effective if the results are used to solve the vulnerabilities detected. Hence, after completing the tests, the team analyzes the results. They assess the impact of vulnerabilities and the data accessed, provide remediation recommendations, and deliver a comprehensive report to the organization.

The Pros and Cons of Penetration Testing

A man in front of his computer screen
A man in front of his computer screen

With the obligation to adhere to security regulations each year, pen testing can bring several pros and cons to an organization. The pros include:

  • Find weaknesses in security practices, including in the software and tools used
  • Simulate real-world hacker attacks
  • Prepare the team to be more vigilant about attacks

Meanwhile, the cons of this test are:

  • Costly. A study found an average of $18,300 per test.
  • Laborious
  • Doesn’t completely prevent flaws from entering the system

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a pen test usually carried out?

This test has five stages: planning and reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and analysis.

What is the difference between pen testing and automated testing?

Penetration testing, often manual, involves human experts who simulate cyber-attacks to find vulnerabilities, while automated testing uses software to systematically check for flaws without human intervention. This way, manual pen testing can detect false positives reported by the automated one.

What are pen testing tool types?

Some pen testing tool types are proxy, vulnerability scanners, reconnaissance, exploitation, and post-exploitation tools. 


Penetration testing is vital in enhancing an organization’s cybersecurity by revealing vulnerabilities and testing the resilience of existing security systems. By simulating attacks, organizations can proactively address security gaps, ensuring compliance and enhancing overall system robustness.

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